Alienware - AIO ( All In One ) Free Download Desktop Personalize

This is my post for the 52, and also coincident after the end of 2011, then, at the beginning of this year, I dedicate most Specials also post about Alienware Desktop, the following is a program of Alienware, is ALIENWARE ALL IN ONE, or We Called Alienware AIO.
Ok, the good from Alienware AIO is:
He has several components that you can apply on your PC system, he has a Sound Audio, Wallpaper, Desktop Skins or Themes, BootSkin, Logon Studio, Icon Packer, ScreenSaver, Cursor Alienware, Skin Alienware for WMP,  etc., and all that exists in one application ALIENWARE AIO.


This Apps by : Lsdmeasap, and have :

Alien guise Theme Manager
4 AlienWare themes
- alien morph
- alx morph
- invader
- Darkstar

4 AlienWare Media player skins

same as above
Custom icon package Alienware 2005

5 cursors packs
- invader
- x alien2 grey
- x alien gray
- x alien white
- HFN ALien Cursors

- AlienWare Screensaver Alien Hand
- 8 AlienWare Logon screens
- 2 Alien Bootskins
- 7 Wallpaper sets
- T3 Window blinds skin
- T3 Logon screen and bootskin


Programs included:

- IconPackager 3.1 Enhanced
- CursorXP Plus 1.31
- Bootskin 1.05a
- LogonStudio 1.0.64
- WindowBlinds 5.01 Enhanced

so, lest you do not have it,

how to use it quite easy
"you just run the Installer file (. exe) then you choose one part of the application of this Alienware, You are done!
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